Broccoli (Brassica oleracea)

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Who would have thought that you can grow Broccoli as a mini plant, jam-packed with nutrition within two weeks? This amazing microgreen may be one of the healthiest you can eat.

What Are Broccoli Microgreens?

Broccoli as microgreens is an incredible source of protein and they are just super tasty. You can use this microgreen in most dishes or simply as a beautiful garnish. 

It’s very simple and quick to grow. They are also excellent to add in your children’s dishes if they are not fond of the regular and full-sized ones. These tiny versions are not only tasty but they are packed with nutrition. They hold 40 times more nutrition than the adult counterpart!

Growing period9-14 days
FlavorMild cabbage flavor
Growing difficultyEasy
Buy seedsBroccoli seeds from True Leaf Market


Broccoli is part of the cabbage family (Brassicaceae, genus Brassica). It is one of those vegetables which are either loved or hated by people. It origins from Italy and has been considered a valuable food since the Roman Empire. It was even referred to as “Italian asparagus”.

The stalks and flower florets are eaten both raw and cooked in the full-sized vegetable. As microgreens, you will get the flavor of these jam-packed nutrition veggies as a tiny leaf! Since they are not fully grown, they are milder compared to the adult version.

The Broccoli is considered a microgreen when it is between 10 and 14 days old in the phase of the plant’s life.

General Nutrition & Benefits

Broccoli is an excellent support to our immune system. It has the same amount of Vitamine C as lemons and twice as much as spinach.

Broccoli is also high in Vitamine A which helps your vision, good for your skin and it supports, in general, many systems in the body.

RELATED: The 14 Most Nutritious Microgreens to Grow and Eat

How to Grow Broccoli Microgreens

Broccoli microgreens are one of the more easy ones to grow. The seeds are small and you can benefit from growing them with high density, however not over-crowded.

Growing timeline (estimated)
Preferred mediumSoil/Coconut Coir/Hydroponic mat
Avg. seed weight (10/20 tray)1 oz
Germination period (blackout)Day 1-4
Growth time (sunlight)Day 5-8
HarvestDay 9-14

These superfoods begin to lose their nutritional value rapidly after harvest. The longer the time gap between harvesting and eating, the lesser will be the nutrients retained in the vegetable. So enjoy them fresh!

Culinary guiding

You can use Broccoli microgreens in a variety of dishes. Eat is raw and spread it on top of your sandwich, soup, salads or just as a beautiful decoration.

If you don´t want to eat it raw, you can steam it or stir-fry it. When you cook your broccoli on very low heat and only for some 5 minutes, you won’t lose your nutrition.

Microgreens Corner
Microgreens Corner
We are Janette & Jesper, and we love microgreens.


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